Logo Licensing Guidelines

StrategINK Solutions Private Limited (referred as StrategINK) assists its customers with a variety of marketing consulting services to accelerate their ‘Business Innovation & Go-to-Market’ pursuits. With core offerings around ‘Research based Business Insights’, ‘Content driven Marketing Solutions’, ‘Digital Transformation Consulting & Advisory’, and ‘Learning, Enablement & Skill augmentation Services’, StrategINK excels in catalysing & accelerating business transformation, digital led innovation, sales acceleration, skill enhancement, and customer delight. StrategINK develops unique solutions to address complex business challenges of our clients and create compelling value through sustainable innovation.

These guidelines shall be applicable to the Clients, who avail the specific logo licensing right.

It is important to regulate and ensure appropriate usage of our Logo. Proper use of the logo by following these usage guidelines, protects the value of our Logo & trademark. These guidelines provide information about how & where the Client may use the Logo.


For the purpose of these guidelines:

  • Logo” refers to the name, mark & logo owned by StrategINK & its group companies, where StrategINK Solutions Private Limited ( referred as StrategINK)has allowed usage of the same to the Client through a written Agreement. The licensing rights are given only for the logo, which is specifically being identified in the Agreement.
  • Client” shall mean the entity, who has executed an Agreement with StrategINK, where the Agreement, expressly includes licensing right for usage of its Logo.
  • Agreement” shall mean the agreement executed between StrategINK & Client (by itself or through its authorised agency), through which the Client has derived licensing right for the use of Logo.
  • Tenure” shall mean the specific period, as mentioned in the Agreement, for which StrategINK has granted licensing rights to the Client, for the usage of Logo.

The logo licensing right of the Client, shall be subject to these Logo Licensing Guidelines:

  • This Logo licensing right is non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, restricted, limited, and non-sub-licensable granted by StrategINK to Client.
  • In order to portray a logo in a clear and consistent manner and to sustain a strong brand, colour is one of the most useful factors. Therefore, only the colours provided by StrategINK to the Client should ever be used to reproduce the Logo.
  • The Logo may only be reproduced in black and white and not in any other colours when full-color reproduction is not permissible.
  • The logo must be displayed prominently and in a clear manner; it cannot be modified or repositioned in any way.
  • Since this logo has been designed as an element of art, hence, it cannot be modified or recreated by using a similar typeface. It can only be used exactly as it is, without alteration.
  • Logos need to be seen in their entirety and should not be covered or layered with other marks or graphic elements.
  • Use of the Logo in stylized, cartoon, or parody designs is strictly forbidden.
  • The original logo's layout or orientation should not be revised.
  • Logo should always be placed with margins of 15% of its size.
  • Logo should not be used in conjunction with any other mark, hyphenated, abbreviated, or displayed in parts.
  • The logo should not be incorporated into the client's logo or product name, nor should it be utilised as part of your domain name or product name.
  • Usage of a Logo is permitted only for such Tenure, as specifically mentioned in the Agreement executed between StrategINK & Client (or through Agency of Client). Any usage of the Logo, beyond such Tenure, shall be termed as illegal/ unauthorised usage and the Client shall be liable for damages and such other legal remedy as StrategINK deems fit and proper.
  • Usage of Logo in absence of a specific written Agreement, is strictly prohibited and warrants for damages and such legal action, as deemed fit by StrategINK.
  • Logo may not be used in any manner, that suggests or implies StrategINK endorses the product, services, political opinions, or religious organizations or beliefs.
  • Logo shall not be used in any advertisement/ promotion in any manner to give an impression of Client being presented with some ranking or any award being conferred upon the Client by StrategINK.
  • All the advertisements of the Client containing the Logo, shall be used strictly in compliance with the ASCI guidelines, Consumer protection law, or any other laws, as applicable and as amended from time to time.
  • Each advertisement/ promotion by Client, containing the Logo, shall necessarily carry a disclaimer, as informed by StrategINK, while sharing Recognition Certificate to the Client.
  • Logo shall not be used along with or in connection with any other logo or name or band of tobacco/ alcohol/ drug/ gambling/ inherently dangerous products or any other goods or services including but not limited to advertisement prohibited by Government or judiciary or any other authority.
  • StrategINK has all the right to instruct the Client to suspend the usage of Logo along with any goods or services, where in sole opinion of StrategINK, will hamper its brand or undermines its goodwill if such usage continues. In the event, Client continues such usage, despite an intimation from StrategINK, the same shall be construed as illegal/ unauthorised usage and shall be liable for damages and such other legal remedy as StrategINK deems fit and proper.
  • Any unauthorized use of the Logo or usage post withdrawal of authorisation, may be considered "counterfeit" and subject to all available legal remedies, including damages.
  • Do not attempt to claim or assert any ownership rights in the Logo and shall not attempt to register the Logo as a trademark, trade name, domain name, or “doing business as” name, in combination with your own trademark.
  • Do not create or attempt to register the ‘Logo’ or ‘similar’ or ‘deceptively similar’ or ‘confusingly similar’ trademark of the Logo.
  • Any use of or reference to our Logos/ trademarks that is inconsistent with these guidelines is prohibited.
  • These Guidelines shall be applicable on the Client, immediately on Client commences using the Logo.
  • The requirements of these Logo licencing guidelines shall apply despite any contradicting provisions in any other Agreement or document concluded by StrategINK and the Client or its Agencies.

StrategINK Solutions Private Limited ( referred as StrategINK) may update this policy from time to time, which shall be applicable to the Client from the date of its update and, hence the Client is expected to keep itself updated with such changes.

For more information, contact:
Riya Adlakha
Email: riya@strategink.com
Call: +91 85880 99175

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