Business Consulting

StrategINK Consulting helps you see better so you can act faster in a market that rewards speed, agility and immersive customer experience.We help sellers, buyers and business partners seize Digital Transformation as an opportunity, and assist with transformational strategy, operating model, and business insights that give you competitive advantage & disproportionate growth. Our Business Consulting Leadership Team are deep Industry-Experts and Digital Transformation led Business Innovation champions. They engage with customers in a “Design Thinking” based “Practical Problem Solving” approach – resulting in precise High Impact Sustainable deliverables and outcomes.

We Offer Digital Transformation centric Business Transformation Consulting for
Technology OEMs

Our bespoke Services & Advisory for Technology OEMs include (but not limited to) Buyer Behavior Analysis, Market Entry / Growth Acceleration Services, Thought Leadership, Demand Generation, Account Marketing, Launch & Promotions, Training & Enablement, etc.

Our Business Consulting Leadership Team are deep Industry-Experts and Digital Transformation led Business Innovation champions. They engage with customers in a “Design Thinking” based “Practical Problem Solving” approach – resulting in precise High Impact Sustainable deliverables and outcomes.

Channel Partners

Our tailor-made Business Partner Transformation advisory assess “As-Is”, outlines “To-Be” and then prescribes a practical, effective and efficient execution roadmap to enable Business/Channel Partner organizations seize Digital Transformation as an opportunity, and in a sustainable manner modernize Solution and Services offering portfolio, skill-up and re-energize workforce, delight customers and fast-track profitable growth.

Buyers / End Users

As the lines between technology and business blur, CIOs are stepping up their strategy role, taking ownership of new disciplines and serving as a key force behind digital innovation. Our advisory services for CIOs & CISOs enable them take a lead position in the Boardroom, championing secure Digital Innovation led Customer Experience, Employee Delight and business acceleration.

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