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Did you know that Organizations in India are seeing an average US$3.86 return for every US dollar spent on AI projects, and more than 150 organizations are already innovating with AI?

Technology leaders today understand the critical role that innovation plays in driving organizational success. Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to be a revolutionary catalyst and the defining technology of our era, significantly transforming how we live and work. Embracing AI is pivotal for staying relevant and competitive in today’s rapidly evolving landscape.

AI-powered workforce solutions are driving measurable productivity gains for people and organizations by helping them complete work faster and with superior quality.

With this as a driver, we at StartegINK proudly present Connexions 2024 supported by Microsoft, themed around Reimagining Digital Workplaces with AI and Security.

Discover how you can empower and equip your workforce with enhanced productivity and creativity powered by secure, cutting-edge tools to thrive in the digital realm.

At Connexions 2024 you stand to:

  • Dive, into the world of AI advancements and how they are set to revolutionize work, collaboration and creativity
  • Experience user interfaces, intutive navigation features and robust tools that enhance productivity
  • Discover the potential of AI powered decision making
  • Unlock the power of real time insights automated task management and seamless workflow optimization

CIOs in the APAC region consider AI/ML as one of the levers for a sustained transformation1
CIOs consider Higher Employee Productivity as the top business driver1
of users who have used Copilot don’t want to give it up.
Reported increased productivity.
Said it improved the quality of their work.

Abhijit Chakravarty

SVP - Core Networks & Security Operations


Abhijit Dey

VP – Digital Banking

Axis Bank

Kalpesh Doshi

Chief Information Security Officer


Kanchi Shah

GM – Content Strategy


Namit Sinha

Country Head (Devices) - Devices Partner Solution Sales, India


Navin Nathani

GM and Head - IT, Transformation


Priya Krishnamurthy

Sales Director


Santanu Ganguly

Chief Executive Officer


Vineet Nambudiri

Director Commercial Category


Vivek Zakarde

Chief Data and Analytics officer, Head-CRM



1800 – 1830

Registration | Networking Hi-Tea

1830 – 1840

Welcome Address – AI driven Trends and Transformations for Digital Workplaces

Santanu Ganguly, CEO, StrategINK

Kanchi Shah, GM – Content & Strategy, StrategINK

1840 – 1855

CIO/CISO Keynote: Reimagining Digital Workplaces with AI & Security
Kalpesh Doshi, CISO, HDFC Life

1855 - 1910

Innovation at the Core
Vineet Nambudiri, Director Commercial Category, Microsoft

1910 – 1925

AI Empowered Digital Wokplaces– Artificial intelligence at end point devices
Priya Krishnamurthy, Sales Director Acer

1925 – 1955

Panel Discussion: Balancing Innovation & Digital Trust in the AI era

Vivek Zakarde, Chief Data and Analytics officer, Head-CRM, IDBI Bank

Abhijit Chakravarty, SVP - Core Networks & Security Operations, HDFC Bank

Navin Nathani, GM and Head - IT, Transformation, Hindalco

Namit Sinha, Country Head (Devices) - Devices Partner Solution Sales, India, Microsoft

Abhijit Dey, VP – Digital Banking, Axis Bank

Moderated: Santanu Ganguly, CEO, StrategINK

1955 – 2010

RoboRiddles – Get Quizzed by AI

2010 – 2015

Closing Address

2015 Onwards

Networking Cocktails & Dinner
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