05 September
1830 Hrs.

LUMIQ and AWS are excited to announce the launch of the FSI Analytics Mixer: Unlocking business value with innovations in data analytics.

This is a deep-dive industry conference deeply focused on data maturity acceleration for the FSI space – Banks, NBFCs, Insurance, AMCs etc.

Hear about the latest advancements in the field of data warehousing and analytics for FSI – presented by Global Tech Leaders from AWS and LUMIQ.

4 Reasons why you must attend

Explore immersive interactions with AWS Data & Analytics Leaders
See high-impact use-cases that FSI enterprises are deploying – running workloads leveraging Amazon Redshift.
Meet Redshift Service experts and Partner teams to discuss use cases, success stories, architecture patterns, and common challenges.
Meet LUMIQ FSI Data and Analytics Specialists and explore unique customer success stories across Banking, Insurance, AMCs, and NBFCs.

Learn on how AWS is reimagining the role of Redshift in today’s complex environment and bringing together different Analytics services to cater to the needs of our customers.

FSI Analytics Mixer is for Data Leaders looking to engage with AWS specialists and learn latest best practices, that some of the largest FSI enterprises are adopting.

Who’s Attending (This is an invitation-only event for FSI leaders)

FSI Data and Analytics leaders
Architects and Engineering Leads, who run large workloads on Amazon Redshift

Join LUMIQ and AWS in Mumbai on September 05th to understand how to build a modern data strategy that aligns to your company’s revenue goals and growth vision.

The Event is Closed.

Manan Goel

Worldwide GTM Leader
Amazon RedShift

Donnell Smith

Worldwide Specialist
Amazon RedShift

Kamaljeet Singh


Manish Bajaj

EVP Technology Sales

Ninad Phatak

Head - Analytics Solution Architecture - India and SAARC, AWS


06:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Registration, Refreshments, and Networking

07:00 PM - 07:15 PM

Welcome Address: The FSI DataCon Mixer(FSI Edition) | Key Industry Trends

Mr. Manish Bajaj (EVP Sales)

Ninad Phatak, Head - Analytics Solution Architecture - India and SAARC (AWS)

07:15 PM - 08:30 PM

Unleash the true potential of your data with AWS Redshift

07:15 PM - 08:00 PM

Best-in-Class Data Mesh Architectures and Integrations
Manan Goel, Worldwide GTM Leader, Amazon RedShift

08:00 PM - 08:30 PM

FSI Analytics and AI/ML use cases deployed with Amazon Redshift
Donnel Smith, Worldwide Specialist, Amazon RedShift

08:30 PM - 08:55 PM

Customer Success Stories : LUMIQ and AWS

Manish Bajaj (EVP Sales)
Kamaljeet Singh (CTO)

08:55 PM - 09:00 PM

Closing Note

Anshuman Thakur

09:00 PM Onwards

The FSI DataCon Social : Dinner and Cocktails

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