Over the past several years, organizations have had to move quickly to deploy new data technologies alongside legacy infrastructure to drive market-driven innovations such as personalized offers, real-time alerts, and predictive maintenance.
The BFSI sector today is not only looking for solutions to make sense of the data available to them, but are increasingly seeking solutions to connect the different data they produce and consume. As we move towards an increasingly digitally connected and hyper dependent world, acting upon data insights produced in silos will only yield limited impact. Therefore, unlocking the value of data requires a real-time and integrated approach to data management.
As the amount of data we deal with on a daily basis continues to grow exponentially, it is increasingly important that we use it the right way.
StrategINK, in partnership with Denodo is pleased to organize a Round Table (Physical) in Mumbai on 10 June 2022, eminent IT and Technology leaders from industry to discuss the imperatives around;
6 - 7 eminent CIOs and an expert from Denodo will engage in dialogues and industry discussions with Arjun Vishwanathan, Chief Knowledge Officer, StrategINK to focus on improving competitiveness in Business via Effective leverage of Data, Analytics, Automation, Digital Strategy & Modern Technologies.
Access to this exclusive Roundtable is by invitation only and is meant for the CIOs, IT Heads, VP-IT, General Manager’s and above and is not transferable. This forum offers a distinctive opportunity for genuine peer-to-peer debate along with eminent industry exponents.